View single post by NS-EVP
 Posted: Apr 4th, 2011 11:05 PM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Good to know that your in agreement about the dream thing that there "is" at least a possibility of alternate realities that we may tap into while in a sleep state.

Any shaman would call you crazy if you DIDN'T believe that...LOL

I am well aware of when I'm dreaming, and it is a scenario my mind made up, or it is from my subconscious, but those other things are totally different, like you were REALLY THERE.

What I'd really like to know is WHY?

Why show me a snippet of someone else's life, for only a few moments, of things that have no real meaning?

I dreampt a few weeks ago that I was driving an orange metallic colored Honda civic home to meet my wife, only it wasn't ME, and it WASN'T my wife, and obviously, I don't drive that car.

It was SO real, I even remember being pissed off that I tore my car seat on a set of keys that were hanging from my belt loop recently, it was just so strange. Who ARE these people I am obviously tapping into?