View single post by richeyjo
 Posted: Mar 14th, 2011 12:36 PM
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Joined: Oct 4th, 2010
Posts: 63
We were almost neighbors - neat!  I love PA.  My grandparents came from Croatia and lived in Mercer.  Whenever we would visit, my grandmother would always tell us about the Wilson house and how it was haunted and no one could live there more then a couple of months.  Each of our visits found a new family in that house. My dad transitioned when I was nine and he came to visit my mom, so there never has been a time in my life that spirit visitation was not part of it.  My grandmother had her own beliefs that she passed down to all of us.  My mom use to have specific dreams that would become reality, and then my daughter was able to see and speak to spirits so here I am, a true believer.  For so many years this was a subject that was only spoken about among family because any outsider would think you were crazy, so finally we are to a point where people can share and talk about their experiences and today's technology even allows us to share our beliefs via recordings, videos, and other experiments.  I've tried many boards and groups, but so far I've found ITC resonates with me the most because of the sincerity to get to the truth.