View single post by drrh
 Posted: Mar 13th, 2011 02:48 PM
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Joined: Aug 4th, 2010
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 528
Lora I can hear them in any kind of noise.  Fan, water, shower is very good, dehumidifier  and believe it or not I was at the dentist last week and the girl had an ultrasonic water cleaning gadget and as soon as she turned it on, I could hear Gary saying "I'm standing right behind you"!  Honestly, no lie!   I couldn't laugh with all the stuff in my mouth so I just thought, not now Gary, go away.  and I didn't hear him anymore.  There's a lot they won't tell me!  And I don't know about a lottery, it seems to have more to do with what kind of person you are while you are alive on earth.   I asked him when I was going to die and he didn't want to tell me.  But he did.  And my brother who is 4 years older than me, he told me when he was going to die and how.  So I have to wait and see what happens.   He told me that when I die I will see him but I won't stay here, that I will go someplace else but won't tell me where.  If I can get it out of him, I'll let you know!!! Nice talking with you!
