View single post by Dmaumau
 Posted: Dec 8th, 2010 08:31 AM
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Joined: Dec 8th, 2009
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Posts: 17
Hello guys,

I´m not at all an expert on the subject, but I lived my entire life amongst mediuns of some sort of way.

We are Kardecists and we all study about spiritism.

This "mojo spirits" are nonsense "as is". Spirits do not sit on doorways waiting to jump our heads, but they do indeed have the ability to influence and even manipulate us, if we are open to it.

Chris mentions he is empathic and he´s wife believes in wicka.

Well, the gates are open folks.

Your energy and state of mind atracts similar enegies, or spirits, so if you´re anguished, sad, depressed, you may atract not so good energies or spirits.

There is much I could say here, but let´s focus on what´s important.

Chris and Pip, the first and most important thing for you both to do is change your state of mind. That´s crucial to begin the healing process so to speak.

Pip, I know it´s easiar say than do, but forget about the drugs and that period of time. You got a clean slate now living with your folks. Embrace this situation and rebuild yourself from there.

As you already understood, the most importat thing is to break the cicle and the lekeness with that kind of energy.

I exort you to read some of Alan Kardec´s texts, beeing the book of spirits one of the most interesting to begin understanding how it all really happens.

It´s not based on fables, fairy tales or such, but rely´s solely on scientific research and data gathered during a very long period of time without any kind of bias.

Well, I think I already wrote too much, so I hope good energies come into your lifes from now on.

Best Regards,
