View single post by NS-EVP
 Posted: Oct 24th, 2010 11:28 PM
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Joined: Oct 27th, 2007
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada
Posts: 62
Hi Keith!

Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone, hope things are going well in ITC land!

I have just been SO super busy with life, it's been crazy since I've last logged on here!

Since we last spoke, I got married, and my wife and I also had our first child on Sept 22nd, and ever since that, I haven't had a moments rest, literally! Our daughter hasn't once slept through the night, which means neither have I.

But that's ok, I have insomnia from my chronic pain so I'm up anyhow, it's currently 3am here right now, and I'm watching our daughter flailing around being restless and awake in her crib om my night vision camera mounted over her as we speak...LOL

Funny thing is that whatever seems to be "paranormal" around me seems to "follow" me everywhere I go, we also moved since I last logged on here from a crappy little apartment in town the a small old house in the country here in Nova Scotia, much nicer and quieter than the city that's for sure!

After about a month or so the weirdness started up again, with the usual drinking glass exploding in my hand thing, which has now happened 3 times in 3 different houses, and also odd happenings where things will simply launch themselves off of a flat surface and onto the floor.

About a month ago, a plaster skull (a Halloween prop) that was sitting on top of my fridge decided to leap off of it, landing about 3 feet away, smashing on the floor, and just a few days ago, I was actually looking straight at the coat rack in the hall when I was in the kitchen when suddenly a long thing table cloth that was draped over one of the hangers just flew off onto the floor, then seconds later one of the jackets jumped off the coat hanger landing in the nearby bathroom doorway!

I called my wife to come look at what was happening before I walked over there to the coat hanger, and just as she looked, a towel hanging there slightly moved, but then stood still, and everything stopped. Very weird.

Also, items CONSTANTLY go missing, and then reappear, exactly where I JUST looked. I think something is trying to drive me nuts, knowing I suffer from a brain injury and memory issues, it's just ongoing, and I really can never find anything I'm looking for! If my wife didn't verify things being misplaced and disappearing that she witnessed me putting in a specific place so it would not be lost I "would" think I'm losing my mind! Something is definitely playing with me, I just know it.

I also repetitively see shadows, and hear strange knocking sounds and other odd sounds here, but that's normal for

I now finally have 4 IR cameras set up throughout the house, but nothing odd has shown up yet, the weird thing is that when something "does" happen that I know my DVR system would have caught, the footage is "mysteriously" not found on my PC's DVR system. Hmmmm....

Hopefully I'll have some time to actually investigate here eventually, but the baby is all consuming that's for sure!

Just thought I'd say hello and give ya an update on life, and the odd things that really do seem to follow me around, I'm not sure what to make of it yet, I'm hoping it's not evil, I'm guessing not, otherwise the smudging and salt everywhere should have banished it long ago!

Take care Kieth, and everyone else!

Chris ;)