View single post by drrh
 Posted: Oct 13th, 2010 11:25 AM
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Joined: Aug 4th, 2010
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 528
Oh okay, I know what kind of screwdriver it is now.  My brother is an electrician and I think my husband probably has one or two.  He inherited alot of tools from his father.  I will go to see the other videos.  I haven't had the time to watch them all yet but would definately be interested in your other friends as well. 

And about cats,  it seems like they aren't scared of what they see so I don't know if that is because they know the people or are just curious.  It seems dogs are a little bit more uneasy.  My one cat, Molly, sometimes will come just to the doorway of the bedroom and look in but I can call and call her and she won't come in.  And other days I'll find her sleeping on the bed.  It's mostly at night that she won't come in.  I don't know who's in there????  My other cat Morty, he's the Maine Coon, he doesn't seem to mind ever.  He comes in all the time, especially at night.  So they are hard to figure out.  Oh and Morty is a great mouser.  A few times I have found him in the same spot for hours sitting and looking under something and after a while, a mouse will run out.  My Mom used to always say that if you have a cat you'll never have mice but we still get one once in a while.  Not for long though! LOL
