View single post by drrh
 Posted: Oct 12th, 2010 08:03 AM
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Joined: Aug 4th, 2010
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 528
Wow! That's interesting Joyce.  The hand I mean.  I have never experienced anything like that before. ( or should I say yet?)  And no I don't have an EMF meter or anything else but a digital recorder.  And camera.  I didn't try the camera yet.  I got into something else and forgot but I will do that soon.  My daughter had sent me a small video on my cell phone of her cat and I could hear stuff being said on the video but I didn't tell her because I know she would be scared.  She wants nothing to do with any of this stuff.   Her thinking seems to be a direct opposite of mine.  I don't know why.


Also I'm not sure where you can post the videos but there must be a place on here so we could all see them and learn from them.  I would ask Keith where to put them.

Last edited on Oct 12th, 2010 08:46 AM by drrh