View single post by richeyjo
 Posted: Oct 11th, 2010 07:22 PM
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Joined: Oct 4th, 2010
Posts: 63
Debbie, don't be scared of spirit.  If you go there, do you have any EMF detectors, or infrared cameras?  Digital cameras were originally based on military night time vision so they pick up a very tiny bit of the color spectrum, but not enough.  Please don't buy into the stuff you see on TV because they are in it for ratings and over-exaggerate things, and once you understand how energy works, then you realize that it can never be destroyed, only transitioned - much the same as water can be liquid, frozen, or in a gaseous (steam) state, but it is still water.  Energy cannot be earthbound as people on TV would try to make you think it can, nor do spirits only come out in the dark or at night.