View single post by drrh
 Posted: Oct 11th, 2010 01:10 PM
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Joined: Aug 4th, 2010
Location: Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 528
You are right about this physical life!  Sometimes if you ask me it's for the birds!  I think I'd rather be in spirit!  For real!  Lisa just suggested getting out my digital camera (Duh! I never even thought of it) and trying to get a pic of Teresa.  So I'm going to try that tonight.  At first I thought it was my father-in-law. He had cancer and passed in the house and I thought I had been seeing him.  But then heard them say it was Teresa.  I live about an hour from the Pennhurst Asylum so I think I'm going to get my husband to take me up there soon.  I think that would be a lot of fun but maybe it will scare the pants off of me!LOL 

Back to work, talk to you later, Debbie:thumbup1: