View single post by richeyjo
 Posted: Oct 11th, 2010 12:47 PM
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Joined: Oct 4th, 2010
Posts: 63
Debbie, I'm sorry to hear about your friend, but the reason you only see her out of the side of your eye is because the way our eyes are formed, the cones see peripheral vision, but if you turn your head, the frontal vision cannot see it.  That is why a lot of people think their eyes are playing tricks on them, or it is their imagination, but it isn't that at all.  It is only the way our eyes work.  We humans only see very little of the entire color spectrum.  I recently got a full spectrum camera and it is amazing what all is really out there in the universe that we never get to enjoy or see.  Our eyes can't see ultraviolet or infrared frequencies.  The same is true of all our senses, we are so limited.  Another example is the frequency of sound.  Look at the high frequencies that animals can hear compared to humans, or the sense of smell.  Even our sense of taste and touch are limited, but then there are people like you and Lisa who can hear things that others can't.  The motto on my site is "Whatever you focus your attention on increases!"  I truly believe that. 

To get rid of the scare, try asking someone to touch you, hug you, or play with your hair so you will get use to the feeling and won't be startled when it happens.  I know my view is unorthodoxed compared to most people, but I don't believe in evil being part of the spiritual realm, but only exists in mankind so as to give us freedom of choice as we grow spiritually.  This physical life, in my belief system, is all about the lessons we learn and the choices we make.