View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Oct 7th, 2010 10:23 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Energy is a key word in everything spirit related. Whether in dimensions above us or using energy as we know it...rattling particles around may well hold new avenues that spirit chatting will lead us to discover. Ultimately then we'll know what it is we're just stepping into now.

I'll try different mics and different wire ups. As far as I know, there could be something in the soundcard that's a spirit channeler !

I do have a few theories that that signal diode's in billions of common circuits are often clear and can let light through from air venting on the equipment etc. 'Cats whisker' diodes are used to pick up radio waves in non battery (war time) crystal radios and, without getting technical, conduct only one way, naturally filtering as they go.
Many devices, such as LED's are known to do one function and that's all we know about. But, did you know that LED's will become light detectors if connected the other way around ? Billions more devices have LED's on their panels, as On lights, indicators for whatever. When an LED is not lit and a diode is present to limit its voltage, could it be receiving spirit light energies ? Infra-red and full spectrum photography have given us great data after all.

Anyhow, just some thoughts :)
No problem Linda, I often refer to myself as Slider at home hehe