View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2010 07:09 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Wow! Someone finally posted a response after a long-long time. :DD

The cloud effect is created by the grid-like structure of the camera's sensor + plus visual settings like zoom and color options + light conditions outside (too much light = completely white screen). The fluctuations (like a sudden change in the feed-back loop's rhythm) can be due to spirit influence (I myself could influence the feed-back loop with concentration) or can be a natural influence like a fly which flew across the field of the camera. However if you notice a major change that produces undebatable spirit faces, then the fluctuations are justified as from outside the system. But don't be so sure at first glance because v f-b loop is hardly a closed system even in a perfectly dark room.

Last edited on Sep 22nd, 2010 07:11 AM by neokortex_simulacrum