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 Posted: Aug 26th, 2010 02:32 PM
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Joined: Aug 11th, 2010
Posts: 209
Hey Linda!!


So Sorry to hear you had to endure all of this.  It is hard when these spirits are decidedly not nice, and its' a guarantee while alive they were probably just as bad.  People's personalities don't change when they die.  If they were miserable and a pest in life, they remain that way, they don't sprout wings and become angels.  Some are very angry that we are in 'their' so called space.  Some are so damned confused as to where they are at, and don't understand that, when all their lives they were told when they die they go to heaven and see God, yet here they are in the same existence, minus the physical body.  They fight each with each other too, Linda, over 'territory'.  So when they find a captive audience, it is when all mayhem takes place, who's going to confront them, or so they think?

I had a very bad man here for a long time in my home.  I refuse to even say his name anymore, he was just soooo bad.  He did as much damage, emotionally and physically as he could.  He used to scare my grandson, and think it was great fun.  My grandson is autistic, and when he was very young, his verbal skills were limited, so he had a hard time saying what was bothering him.  He used to love to play in my basement, but once this guy started his baloney, my poor baby was so scared to even stand at the top of the stairs to the basement, and he would cry and plead as best as he could for me not to go down there.  All he could describe him as was "Blue" and "Monster" at the time.


Because of my being able to hear all that I do when I do EVP work, accompanied by hearing in real time with fan's running, water running, vacuum's running, those things helped facilitate speech, and it was then I was able to communicate with the nice people who were here.  I was having to constantly record and do follow up sessions to keep aprised of what this creep was up to.  He wanted my undivided attention, he gave his history, he was an old man aged 67, had done some prison time in his day, was a bad alcoholic, and admitted he had no friends or family to go to.  he was rough speaking and crass, swore all the time.  The other people here were so intimidated by him, quite a few felt they had to leave, much to his delight.  I had a young lady I was working with, I had all her info, life and death details, where she had worked, where she was buried, and who were her survivors.  It may sound very strange, but at the time I was approached by an author who suggested that I write a book about this interaction with this young lady.  She had even helped me pick out the title to this book I wanted to write.  The bad man decided he was going to run her out of here, in anyway he could, and he chose to do it by going after me, her new friend.

I had one very bizarre experience, it frightened me but fascinated me at the same time.  It was like I was on guard all the time, waiting to see what he would do next to try and scare me and my family.  One cloudy winter day, mid afternoon I went to go take a shower.  I proceeded to take the shower, and about 5 minutes into it, I look down at the drain, and I could not believe what I was seeing.  There in the drain as the water is running down, is only what I coud say was fire.  FIRE.  Now doesn't that sound totally insane??  As God is my witness, I swear this is the truth.  You could see what looked like burning embers in the drain, occasionally a smal flame would flicker.  It would turn orange, gold yellow, red, changing all the time!  It would actually pulsate, like squirm around.  I was so shocked, all I could do is watch this.

Finally, I got my wits about me, and turned off the shower, meaning to go and grab my video camera to film this, I thought no one would ever believe me if they didn't see it for themselves.  I was afraid to put my hand near it, for fear of being burned.  I climbed out of the shower, soaking wet, and went to go get my video camera.  But by the time I got back, it had stopped.  Just like that.  But what was left was even weirder....there were this ash like stuff hanging on the side of the drain pipe after I removed the strainer.  there was nothing on the strainer itself, but this black papery stuff was hanging just below the rim of the drain.

I tried to rationalize this incident, I went to the basement to see if some how lights down there could reflect into the drain, but then Duh!? the water pipes are encased in the walls!  There was no logical explanation for any of it.  later that day, I even went on the internet to research if it was possible that some kind of mold or fungus could produce that type of effect in a water pipe/drain.  I found nothing on it anywhere!  So I got mad and later that day and did an EVP session, asking about the 'fire in the drain'.  What I heard made my skin crawl.  The bad man asked, "how did you like that?"  Then he laughed like nails scratching on a chalk board, high and screechy.  Other spirits came forward, each one made different comments, ,one lady said 'that was mean', another said 'you better be careful, he can hurt you'.  One man said, 'I need to leave here, I can't stay'.  Even though I was kind of scared, I stood my ground and told him he had to make plans to leave my home.  I went on to say enough is enough,.  I had tried at one point to be nice and engage him, tried to make a point to talk with him when I recorded, and he was good for a little while.  But then I found out he made himself 'the gate keeper' of my home, turning away spirits that wanted to come here.  He especially hated Black people.  There was a family that wanted to come here, and he told the father 'No n*ggers allowed here, get out!'.  I caught him doing this, and boy did I let him have it!  And what did he do?  He continued to try and scare me.  The next 'trick' he pulled was one night, I woke and got up and went downstairs to get a glass of milk.  The glasses I have are the Luminarc brand, they are leaded, heat tempered and weighted.  I picked the glass up from the counter, and POW!  the glass literally exploded in my hand, sending pieces of glass as far as 12 feet into my dining room!  I had glass everywhere, even in my hair.  It covered my counters, the floor, the stove, just everywhere!  It was so loud when it happened, it sounded like a gun shot! I thought it was drive by shooting, I am looking for a broken window, blood, bullets, something! It should have woken my husband up, but thankfully it hadn't.  I had to first get the glass i out of my hair without cutting myself, and that was a chore and a half!  It took me a good 2 hours to finally get all of it up.  I did a another session and this time he said he didn't have anything to do with it.  Yeah, right!

I finally got so tired of all of it, I contacted a friend who I will call Bill.  He has been dealing with spirits and demons for over 50 years.  I told him all that I had going on, and he instructed me to do a house cleansing, and to continue to tell this creep he had to leave.  I did all that Bill had instructed me to do, and things clamed down for awhile.  But it was short lived, this guy had become so jealous of me talking to other spirits, and my lady decided she just had to leave, it was too hard for her to stay anymore.  Now that really made me angry!  Bill is considered a modern day shaman, a term that he doesn't like to use, he said it has a new agey feel to it, and that is not what he was into.  He told me it was close to the time of meeting of the 'council of elders', and he said I was to tell the bad guy to leave again, and if he didn't Bill said it was a direct challenge to his authority.  He had approx. 2 days to get out, and if he didn't, Bill asked me if I wanted to inflict upon him a sanction, and that sanction was that he could be evicted and if he didn't choose that he could neither enter heaven nor hell, he would have to walk the earth for eternity.  I am not savvy about all this spiritual stuff, and I did not want it on my conscience this sanction.  So the bad guy was 'told' this by Bill, the choice was his, either be evicted or he himself would follow thru.  Mind you I am doing all these EVP sessions to keep abreast of what was going on around me. The day finally came, and what was weird the bad guy supposedly  had a 'contract' of sorts that he was to be out on this one Sunday at 12:30 pm.

On the morning he was to leave, I was on my porch as and as I walked back into the house, this deep, growly voice says "Your F*CKED!!", and I calmly said, "No your f*cked', and I waited for the appointed time to come.  I did a recording and the bad guy at first was calling me names, swearing at me, threatening me, then he started to cry and plead, saying he loved me, he would be good, blah, blah, blah.  He said what he did was because he wanted to protect me from the others!!  This was such an insane day.............he finally 'left'.  The whole place felt lighter, it was weird.  It had started to snow really hard outside, and I did a recording to make sure he had left, and it was wild to hear everyone talking about him, saying they were glad he left, some talked about how scared they were of him.  Then I heard the older black gentleman 'John", that I thought was gone forever start talking.  He said "look at the snow, what a treat for the children", I was so glad to hear him again!!  I was glad it was over with, believe me!  Sometimes when I record, I will get snipetts of info about this bad guy and where he is now and what he is still doing.  Unfortunately my 'lady' never did return, and I guess I can't blame her.

This whole ordeal has taught me to keep on my toes, to be very aware of what goes on around me.  It has been a peaceful 3 years since this all happened, for the most part anyways!  I have activity all the time still, but I am used to it.  Nothing scary or bad has happened since that time.


Linda I hope you too can continue to have peace in your home.  It is not a good feeling when you can't always face your tormentor.  Being able to interact with the spirits can either be a blessing or for some, a curse.

Wow, I never thought I'd be telling this out in a public forum, but as I said God as my witness, this is all true.  There are only a handful of folks I have relayed this story to because of how crazy it all sounds, but it is the thruth!
