View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Aug 26th, 2010 12:23 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Hi VT,
There's another reason why I brought this up.
English teaching seems to be a big business in Europe, or at least my university takes it so seriously. I already had a Cambrdige Certificate when I was being compelled to attend english courses. I spoke to the teacher about it but she insisted that I must have a one-level-higher degree to redeem the courses. Thinking of it as a bureaucratic bs, I slacked from all the classes that year and now I have to study to the repeat examination or I will not obtain those pesky "credit points" which leads to having to reattend last years courses. And it's not over yet, the english courses will still continue! So I'd be very grateful if most of you who can would take spelling and grammar seriously, plus correct me where I mistake. The curriculum is long as hell, and up until now no situation arouse for me to practice english, that's why I have forgotten a lot of it, and I hope at this site I would catch up a little bit.