View single post by Schuyler
 Posted: Jun 23rd, 2010 03:57 PM
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Joined: Jun 7th, 2010
Posts: 10
Got it! It's functional. If I've not made any design mistakes here we now have a fully functional equivalent to Spiricom IV. The PC to Rig interface was a real bitch. I essentially have to manually override the rig itself because the tone generator software does not know how to control the radio. There's going to have to be some serious fine tuning to get rid of noise, but I will start with the 'harmonic tones' in the original Spiricom Manual: 131-141-151-241-272-282-292-302-415-443-515-653-701. These, if you've been following along, are the tones suggested by DG Mueller himself as appropriate to form a carrier wave. Once we get these tones isolated a little better we'll be ready to start with the experiment.