View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Jan 3rd, 2007 11:14 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Here's a 2 minute clip recorded December 26th. In the clip I ask them questions.

My voice has been lowered, as the pitch of the clip in its entirety was lowered uniformly. You will hear me ask:

My friends, are you talking to me?
I was wondering if you were trying to get a message through to me, through the radio?
Is there anything you would like me to do?

Immediately following the last question, I hear what I believe to be the answer "conserve your energy."

To download the file instead of having your browser play it, please right-click on the link above and choose "save target as."

Please note:  that when I ask them if they are talking to me, it is not indication of doubt on my part as to whether the other side is communicating with me via radio. I typically ask them that question when I begin a recording to make sure I have their attention. The reason I begin a recording is because I feel the urge to record at that particular time; however, they were already on the radio long before I started recording.

Keith Clark
ITC Bridge