View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Apr 10th, 2010 09:27 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
I ask from video archive because description you write about technique is not complete - i believe is not complete. Something is missing. You describe marvelous results of Emidio. I understand you describe simple method of video itc that Emidio use. The most researcher have not easily recognizable result from simple method. The face that appear in the video are seen only by the researcher often. I would like to see his results you write of.

I am more interested in the images than the voices. Eu prefiro ITC video. If it is not much to ask I would like you to ask his widowed wife about his archive. And if you can play them with VCR you should be able to record them unto pc (digitalization). Than I would be grateful if you share those with me.