View single post by neokortex_simulacrum
 Posted: Jan 15th, 2010 02:23 AM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Europe
Posts: 291
Well, Karlos, only a very few itc pictures come near to the quality of a photo. I think there are two main reasons for not being able to recognize anything in the pictures: 1, not anyone can sense the slight nuances between the colors, tones, shades, and the picture is already monochromatic; 2, there is a great amount of "noise" in the picture that goes against clarity: some faces come out good, some are hidden beneath the details. Visual arts can develop these talents or sensitivities in a person: I was already into artistic photography (unconsciously) in the time of starting video-itc.
What I can recommend you is to download the pics and watch them in acdsee or in a viewer that can show them in front of a black background. Let your look to be passive, let your eyes find the recognizable spot on the picture.

Last edited on Jan 16th, 2010 12:49 AM by neokortex_simulacrum