View single post by Mr Shadowman
 Posted: Jan 13th, 2010 07:01 AM
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Mr Shadowman


Hello Ray

               Your crows bring a smile to my face and yes I can hear loud and clear "he can hear us "  Please check out my evp childs voice / help me posted on 12-01-09. I had a flock of sparrows outside my window when I recorded this EVP. I have labeled this type of white noise as "natural white noise" and what I feel is unique  about this natural noise is that can travel under it's own power from point A to point B. It's a living sound source that the spirits seem to be able to harness and utilize for word formation. Water, wind, birds and animals all share this common trait, a sound that can physically travel , a moveable power source that the spirits can tap into anytime or any place. Just picture for example 200 Sparrows / that's 400 wings flapping and generating their own form of natural energy along with 200 birds chirping at once. As pure as any energy form out there.  Please keep me updated on your experiments with these Crows that talk.

This bird theory is not new by any means, it was first noticed by a pioneer of the EVP field by the name of Friedrich Juergenson of Sweden in 1951 / read a page below from "Voice Transmissions of the Deceased"


I checked the recording after the tape ran for about five minutes. What I heard was very strange. I was hearing a roaring or hissing static sound, like a shower, in which you could identify the chirping of the finch, but as if was coming from a distance.

My first thought was that one of the tubes was damaged during the trip. Nevertheless, I turned the recorder on again and let the tape run. My second recording it was just like before: I was hearing this strange hissing and the distant bird chirping. Then all of a sudden there sounded a trumpet solo as if to announce something. I listened with continued surprise as suddenly a male voice began to speak in Norwegian. Though it was very quiet, I could clearly understand the words. The man was talking about “bird songs at night”, and I heard a number of chattering, whistling and splashing sounds, and among them what seemed to be the chirping of a sparrow.

Suddenly the bird choir fell silent and with that so did the hissingsound. In the next instant the twittering of a finch was audible and in the distance you could hear a titmouse – the tape recorder was working perfectly again.

Best Regards, Dan

Last edited on Jan 13th, 2010 09:10 AM by