View single post by TigerSoul
 Posted: Sep 23rd, 2009 05:36 AM
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Joined: Aug 24th, 2009
Posts: 34
Good idea there with the plastic container to create a room for that unpleasant noise. You could effectively use a whole normal room too if you wish, though the neighbor issue is still a problem there. I don't think you'd have to play the tones very loud however so a separate room would probably work fine.

About the scare device in UK. I find it quite tasteless really, also, I, still being in the age 29, can hear those mosquito ring tones teens have, so I'd be affected to. OUCH!

There are alot of ideas to try. The problem seems to be that no technique or idea to date really improve things much apart from some subjective improvements tied to the operator.