View single post by pipesmokingman
 Posted: Sep 23rd, 2009 03:16 AM
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Joined: Sep 19th, 2009
Location: Plymouth, United Kingdom
Posts: 29
thanks for your reply - well we have in the UK a device that is put up in problem areas and plays a tone that apparently only younger people can hear , the idea being that they get fed up with it and move away from the area ( a sort of anti social control thingy )- that also apparently works , bit like those dog scare rs that use ultrasonics or whatever

one idea i have been playing with is to get something like a large plastic drum ( water butt ?? ) and insulate it with sound deadening material , building in speaker and mike ports so that what you in effect have is a "small room " insulated from external sources ( maybe in side a Faraday cage ?? ) - then one could blast whatever tones you liked in there and not affect the operator ( well too much anyways or the neighbours .lol )

another thought is to build a wind tunnel affair - with possibly some sort of resonator that could produce a more "natural tone " ( or tones ) controlled by variable speed fans again speculative but worth a try ??

at the moment i am pondering some sort of flame transducer arrangement using a solar panel and a fresnel lens - but the interface to the electronics is not my forte - so any suggestions folks ?? ( there must be some electronics experts out there somewhere ) , i can build stuff on veroboard - but its the designing that's the problem ( no surface mount PLEASE ,as the old eyesight cant handle the small components ( drop a chip capacitor and its lost for ever till the hoover finds it .LOL )

any ways lots of ideas - and now i have a room spare can set up and hopefully DO some experimentation , as this has been holding me back due to other factors for some years


Brett ( aka : pipesmokingman )