View single post by TigerSoul
 Posted: Sep 23rd, 2009 02:10 AM
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Joined: Aug 24th, 2009
Posts: 34
I'm glad somebody else mentioned the unpleasant part of these tones. I wasn't alone then thinking these are just dreadful to listen to? It's a mud in my head, a few minutes then I'm fried and have to take a break ;)

You have very interesting theories here which I think is valid. Most importantly I don't think any technologically based method of spirit communication solely depends on just that, technology. Rather the human link is always the most important part and our ability to do "whatever it is we do" to channel this information into technology.

The radio contamination is another interesting thought though it should be fixable with a good faraday cage. At least hopefully. Your ideas with light is also interesting, though I have too little equipment here to make any true experiments with this.

Thanks for your input, was interesting to read, and hey, I settled for 1:30am same timezone ;)
