View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Mar 31st, 2007 01:37 PM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637

I've spent the last 6 months or so viewing thousands of pictures received using different ITC techniques, mostly water. All the time I've been watching in wonder and amazement as I see pictures of everything I can imagine, people from all walks of life, scenes of war and daily life, different periods of time, etc.  So, I scratch my head and wonder what can I do to help other people see them like I do...........

So I push on, trying new things, hoping one day that perfect picture will come through. Unfortunately the majority of them aren't clear enough for most people to single out. I figure part of this is due to the poor quality of the pictures, and I can understand the other part may be due to the skill of the person viewing the pictures - the ability to be able to see the slight differences in variation and color. The most obvious way to improve this level of discernment is to spend a lot of time doing it.

It seems the hardest part of viewing pictures is separating the pictures from the surrounding background. It only takes a couple of minutes for your eyes to tire when doing research like this. I find it very difficult myself, but also rewarding.

So today I tried something new, I had never thought of it before. I used the lasso utility in Photoshop to separate the pictures from the background. I was rather happy and surprised at the difference it made.

As a common practice I always keep the original videos and pictures from my experiments. Though the lasso tool may be considered a form of editing, I am always ready to present the original picture upon request. Similar to the editing of audio, separating a picture from it's background is not much different than filtering extraneous noise of an audio file - with less negative side effects (if done properly). If anyone else decides to give this technique a try, please follow the same rules of editing. Please always have your original file available for inspection upon request.

My hope is that now more people will be able to see what I see, that more interest will be taken in this emerging area of ITC - the use of water.

Here is a collage of pictures, the same pictures you just saw in the previous thread - except this time they are cut out with the lasso tool.


Attached Image (viewed 399 times):

Figure Cutouts-resize.jpg