View single post by TigerSoul
 Posted: Aug 25th, 2009 07:26 AM
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Joined: Aug 24th, 2009
Posts: 34
I hear AIR FORCE with something else before that probably started too late or incomplete in some way or the other, could be YES air force, but I'm not sure.

I cannot hear the voice talking about disgrace to the family, but I didn't try for an extended amount of time.

Also, when listening to your processed clip Ron, I do hear "that is debatable" indeed, but the EVP is also changed by the filtration/processing and it sure is hard to say what was intended by the spirit. Did we correct it doing these filtration or did we change it's meaning to something else? I'm not sure at all in this clip as your filtration makes the first seemingly uninterpretable part suddenly useful and part of the message. Really hard to know. Thanks for giving an alternative point of view!