View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Aug 1st, 2009 09:35 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637
Hi Keith,

Nice to meet you. Glad you have joined the forum, and welcome.

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I have an interest in your question on the radio antenna. In my work, I have found that spirit appears to use the same energy used for radio transmissions, and they appear to be almost proportionately related. For example, in my/our radio project (3 years in the making) the following happens:

When the weather is clear and the atmosphere free of disturbance (at least this is my interpretation) both the signal used by spirit to communicate and the energy produced/used by local radio stations are both overpowering. When this happens, it is so loud that it distorts, so I disconnect the "antenna" which is actully a clip holding the radio antenna to a ground rod.

When the weather/atmosphere is not so clear we may not hear them at all, or little. During these times I connect the ground rod to the antenna. This brings the signal up enough to help them a little.

From what I see, changing an antenna will also change the ability of spirit to speak, to some degree. Yet in a case where you're working with sweep radio and you want to minimize the amount of stray radio by not connecting the antenna, you may also be limiting spirit communication. Alas, this is one of the shortcomings of sweep tuning that has yet to be overcome - the cancellation of stray radio - hard to do when that source of audio is expected to be used by spirit communicators.

My opinion is that the reason sweep tuning holds its allure is that it produces an ever-changing source sound, in both volume, pitch, and intensity. Without that, I feel that the best spirit communicators would be able to pull off is perhaps a few words (such as evp) using present methods.

I think your experiment results will speak more. Perhaps you will share them on the forum.
