View single post by Estee
 Posted: Apr 4th, 2009 04:52 AM
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neokortex_simulacrum wrote: I'm glad you pronounced the way you feel and I hope it soon starts to melt and dissolve.
I haven't noticed that smoking is a big topic here. How many have you got such messages?

Deborah, do you bear anything similar to Estee's feelings? Well, you mustn't answer this to me, it is her you should discuss this with. Is your hair originally gingery?

Hi neokortex!

Do you ever visit or listen in at the bridge? I never see you there. But it would be great if you stopped by there!  :)
We've had a few short chats about smoking at the bridge and there's another member whose relative coming over the bridge keeps telling her to stop smoking too!

And you talk to any ITC experimenter who smokes and they will tell you that they are often times inundated with 'stop smoking" messages ... so much so, on well known experimenter stopped recording evp because he was tired of those messages.
It's a very pervasive one throughout the ITC community.

Also, I adore Deborah and I think she's doing a great job moderating the chat at the Bridge! She's been putting in a tremendous amount of time and energy there and is also very active in promoting the Stream also -- I have nothing but admiration for her!

Last edited on Apr 4th, 2009 05:08 AM by