View single post by Estee
 Posted: Mar 10th, 2009 03:14 PM
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I captured this clip this morning (March 10) also.
Unfortunately I cut off the part where I said that I heard a voice speaking in this recording after I heard it.  I unintentionally saved the file after I trimmed it which meant that I couldn't get that part back. :blush:

Anyway, later on today I listened to this clip again after I denoised it.... here's what I believe it might be saying...
In the first part I hear a high pitched voice saying, ".... Flanagan is here". I did not hear this part when I was listening at the Bridge because it was buried under the noise and even now in its denoised version, it's not very loud -- it sounds like a female saying it from a distance.

But the second part that's sounding like it's saying "We're trying to help you"  or "They're trying to help me" I did hear at the Bridge but I didn't understand what was being said at the time when it was said -- all I heard was a voice saying something where I then responded by saying "I heard someone say something" or something like that a few seconds later.

Attachment: Untitled (5).we_retryingtohelpyou _CLR.mp3 (Downloaded 872 times)

Last edited on Mar 10th, 2009 03:21 PM by