View single post by neilfellowes
 Posted: Feb 9th, 2009 06:54 AM
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Joined: Feb 8th, 2009
Posts: 16
Hi there!!!

I've been an active ITC researcher for a number of years, though for the last 3 - 4 years life and family committments pulled me away from the subject altogether. However, recent changes in my life are putting me in a better position to get the ball rolling again.

I am very fortunate to have a Spirit side team whom I know to be William and Henry Davenport, an Austrian scientist known as Professor Weiss and I have been informed of a new Spirit partner that has just joined with me, though at this stage I don't know who she is,

Although I've worked in E.V.P., my main area has been the video feedback loop, using the basic technique brought forward by Klaus Schreiber, and I have enjoyed some success with this method, not least being the first in the UK to take the video feedback loop out into the field, using it as part of the investigation process. I've some amazing pictures from places as diverse as Tamworth Castle, Caesars Night Club in London, 2 private houses in Norwich and a public house in Great Yarmouth. Images from these venues can be found on my website,

I'm looking forward to getting back into the research side again, in particular investgating the use of spectrograms. I am a semi-professional musician with my own studio loaded with some very good audio software, so I hope that I may able to pick up some interesting stuff. I've already set up a little tester scenario involving spectrographic analysis of a piece of music I wrote shortly after my father died in 2006, I am curious to see what the .wav files might hold as at the time writing, I felt his presence very much.

We're also looking at the water pictures as well, using a more controlled way of creating the ripples using some kind of mechanical vibration - and to get it out of the system and air what some are probably thinking, yes, I will probably use a vibrator - it's cheap, it does the job as it vibrates and that vibration can be controlled, good enough for me.

As a last note, even though I have a very spiritual side, please don't talk to me about "orbs". I'll lay my cards out on the table, they are a load of baloney and are far too easily explained and far too easily created. I've done a lot of research into them, taking 10's of thousands of pictures and I'm convinced they are nothing more than calmera and lens aberrations, dust, moisture, air borne particles, insects, pollen, etc etc etc. You will not convince me, so please don't try, as I would hate to offend anyone.

This is a rather cool forum and there looks to be great work going on here, so I'm looking forward to sharing stuff (apart from "orbs", I'm not deluded oin these, you have been warned!!!!!!)

Speak soon,

Neil x

Last edited on Feb 9th, 2009 06:56 AM by neilfellowes