View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Jan 15th, 2009 08:53 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
Hi Ray,

I went and ran your edited sound clip through Goldwave.... I think you've picked up on something... I heard that sound, and figured it was a noise I made near the mic. I'm trying not to notice evp these days, but I think you've got some good perceptions

.... I'm also quite pleased to hear that you run things backwards as well. When it comes to evp, I think only listening to them forward is like trying to cross a busy street looking only one way when two are called for. I could hear close to both of your suggestions... I'm sure we both are aware of how powerful suggestion can be, but I mean it when I tell you that you and I hear sounds a little bit the same way. I send evp or speech reversals to people, and SO often, they claim to hear totally different things than I do... I do appreciate your effort here.

BTW, I am going to post a couple or more obscure O'Neil audio recordings a little later tonight. Rorke has sent me a stack of audio CDs that he's tranferred much of Spiricom era related material that's been stored all these years on cassettes onto these discs. He sent me some 3/4" video tapes that I took to a local motion picture service and had converted into DVDs. So far, I've got George Meek giving a lecture labeled as " SFF MEETING 5/31/91 " It's a bit of a mystery... does anyone here have any knowledge of what this is ? I've never talked with Tom Pratt, and I'm staying off to the side.. I haven't asked Stephen if he knows what this was. I have LOTS of material I will post on the Spiricom Study website, after I get caught up on that... I'll have a list of questions.. this will still be one of them.

We've just taken five 3/4" video Reels and one more 3/4" video cassette back to the service... waiting to see what's on these.... Eventually... once I know how to, I'll be posting some of this video material on the site as well.

Gotta run, I'll be back a little later to add more audio to this page : 

      Thanks again Ray .......... Brian

PS : this attached file is an audio excerpt ( forward )  from one of the two O'Neil sound files I posted last night

Attachment: play.mp3 (Downloaded 1506 times)