View single post by Jane
 Posted: Jan 8th, 2007 02:39 AM
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Joined: Jan 8th, 2007
Posts: 1
Hi Keith

I live in Western Australia and travelled to Sydney in November to sit with David Thompson and the Circle of the Silver Cord.

I have been waiting nearly 15 years to sit with a properly developed Materialisation Medium and grabbed the chance to do so when invited.  My report is on under Audios 12th November.   You can listen to me speak to William Cadwell and Louis Armstrong.  I also spoke to the child Timothy Booth but I don't think the audio of that is on the website.

You will read from my report that I was convinced that I had spoken to and touched materialised people that had "died" several years ago.  I am both logical and analytical and I am interested in the science behind "paranormal" subjects.  I wanted to find out that night for myself that it was all true so I made thorough checks of the room, the chair David sits in etc etc.  I checked David's gag and cardigan and closely watched him being tied to the chair.  I won't go into all the details in this reply as it is all in my report on Victor Zammit's site.  I will say here that I am convinced that we and all species survive our physical deaths.

Visually, the most stunning thing was seeing David at the end of the session when the red light had been turned on.  He was no longer facing us but facing the wall with his back to us (still all strapped in) and his cardigan still on and still fastened with cable ties in each button hole.  The un-nerving thing was that the cardigan was now on back to front - the buttons being up his back and not up the front!

I look forward to the day that mainstream science accepts once and for all that we all survive death and then the public will have easier access to this information.  Hopefully, we will get the go ahead to film materialisations one day so that others can also witness it. 

Kind regards
