View single post by fratka
 Posted: Feb 27th, 2007 11:49 AM
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Joined: Feb 21st, 2007
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Posts: 318
Honestly, first hand...I don't know. What we have been told through the contacts of INIT in the 80's and 90' makes a difference. How much of a difference? Again, I don't know.

I kind of set rules for myself in that I will not experiment if I am mentally tired, upset or drunk. I am into the communication side of the experience and the chances of some other unforseeable problem arising seems to me to be greater if I am not all there for the conversation.

Being in uncharted territory, I don't leap out there like I used to when I was a paranormal investigator. I had been hunting ghosts since I was 11 years old and formally investigating them since 1996. I would go anywhere and do anything, alone if I had to for the evidence and the experience. I have experienced a lot of really cool activity, which I see as all positive (even pokes and scratches). I have never allowed myself to be intimidated by anything I have come across and nothing bad has ever happened. Now that I am doing something that is new and the activity is much more tangible, I am a bit cautious. If they can manipulate energy in a way to cross dimensional lines...well, lets say on a physics level, that gets my attention.

Then again, whats the worse that can happen...? I die!? Then they would have to deal with me in person! :wink::lol: