View single post by rjisinspired
 Posted: Oct 27th, 2008 12:35 AM
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Joined: Oct 20th, 2008
Location: Florence, Massachusetts USA
Posts: 24
Thanks slider.

It is an online lesson board.

Equipment has been on my mind to use.  I had been going over audio formats both universal and alternative and how they do their work with compression and stuff and also on how to use uncompressed files for real session files and why so and the importance of archiving.

Experimenting with analog recorders is important.  Through my experience some recorders can get away without using an external mic and motor and electronic noise isn't as bad, while others need an external mic.  At the beginning and end of tapes are dropouts that gradually fade in near end, fade out at the beginning of tapes.  On a waveform these end and start places are easily seen as quick spikes and a rise/drop in amplitude.  These drop outs have been mistaken for evps by some people and I can recall pointing the phenomenon out in the past.  When these are seen on the waveform you can tell if the start or end of the tape had occurred.

I guess I knew more than I thought I did.  I've been so occupied with being incomplete that I lost sight of the picture.