View single post by rjisinspired
 Posted: Oct 24th, 2008 09:55 AM
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Joined: Oct 20th, 2008
Location: Florence, Massachusetts USA
Posts: 24
That sound almost resembles what a buzz clipper would sound like.  Reminds me I need to go to the barber this coming month.

I'm not fatigued by listening to that file. 

Not like the one I just attached.  The 13 tone sample sounds like something out of the Frank Zappa's "Freak Out" album.  Sounds nothing like the Spiricom tones. 

The Spiricom background sound has higher tones and are more spread out, 689 to 3048hz with very minor peaks going to 5598hz

The 13 tones - in Hz:
131, 141, 151, 241, 272, 282, 292, 302, 415, 443, 515, 653 and 701

Attachment: combined.mp3 (Downloaded 2547 times)