View single post by rjisinspired
 Posted: Oct 20th, 2008 10:43 PM
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Joined: Oct 20th, 2008
Location: Florence, Massachusetts USA
Posts: 24
My name is Bob and I have been into EVP since September of 2004.  I had always believed there were unexplained mysteries abound but it wasn't until I did a Google search one night in August of 2004 on the word paranormal that started it for me. 

The first page I came to was of a picture of a Mother holding her kid and in the background an image of the Mothers' Grandmother could be seen in a screen door.  I started doing spirit photo for a short time.  The next month I switched over to EVP.

After reading about EVP I was very unsure so I decided the next couple of days to get a recorder and a microphone.  I was at BigLots and thought to get a cheap recorder and microphone.  I figured that would do.  First recorder was a GE shoebox recorder and an American idol microphone with a step-down connector.  The microphone had a good bass pickup even though it looked cheesy.

Later that afternoon I went to the local cemetery, few minutes walk from where I live.  Started the recorder and aim the microphone away from me.  I felt sort of foolish but was willing to give it a try.  There was some excitement mixed in with uncertainty and silliness.  I asked three basic questions, session was a little over 5 minutes.

Going back home I connect the recorder to computer and fire up the editor.  After the first question I heard something that wasn't there, a whistle sound that I didn't hear during the time of recording.  After the second question I received a "Shhhh" sound then later on a quick whistle.

I had a theory about the whistles and it came to me.  This was the same exact way my Grandmother whistled.  This is what started off with me continuing with EVP.

During the course of 4+ years I have received responses from relatives, past friends including names and in a few cases how they died, people I didn't know and I have even offered services to those who had lost relatives, for free.  Currently I have been working with one of my old friends in contacting his Grandparents.  I did receive a name of a relative, an Uncle, of my friend and he was surprised about this.  Not only that but I asked his Grandparents if anything would help in getting a better contact with them and a response of "memory" resulted from the session.  My friend told me to bring up the times when he was a kid and his Grandparents took him camping and fishing, for the next session.  I did just this when I went back to the plot.  One of the responses I received as I was nearly ending this session which was clear "Rock and Roll." This phrase didn't make any sense at the time when I was going over the file.  I sent my friend that sample and when I got his IM he was stunned literally.  He told me that Rock and Roll is what his Grandfather use to say before going fishing.

I have old audio tapes that I had made when I was a kid and someday I'll need to go over them and see if any EVP is there.

EVP has had a change in my life and I'm glad to be a part of this field.  Thanks for having me here at this site.