View single post by Brian Jones
 Posted: Oct 20th, 2008 05:19 PM
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Brian Jones

Joined: Jan 16th, 2007
Location: Eatonville, Washington USA
Posts: 93
in response to slider 2732, and this reply is meant for all to read of course  ....

I just spent a lot of time and energy putting all Dr. Rorke's material together so he could refer people to these exhibits. He's done a LOT of work investigating things related to Spiricom..... If I'm reading your last paragraph correctly.... I think you are assuming that the intent of this site is to debunk the field of I.T.C.  , if this is correct, I can say with total certainty, you are in completely opposing contrast to the intent of this material investigation !!

Just because it appears very strongly that the Spiricom story may be far less than legit, I don't see how the jump to assume this is shooting down I.T.C. as a valid phenomenon and field of study makes sense. I've been getting to know Dr. Rorke long distance for over five years now through hundreds of thoughtful interactions . He has been 100 % exceptional in his strong level and ability for critical thinking, while just as strongly fair in all his assessments of challenging  questions and  material  I've run by him.  He has observed  countless samples  of E.V.P.  I've sent him, and has been directly involved with  rare levels of  E.V.P. interruptions during our phone calls.... he knows there's something to this, and he intends to investigate this as a grounded and critically thinking scientific mind ... he just thinks that if Spiricom is a foundation for many people's inspiration to conduct I.T.C. experiments and a core to the field of I.T.C. itself, while it is suggestively based in major falsehood, he sees it as a crucial point of attention, in honoring the integrity of this field of study, to clean up this ( mis. ) or more likely, disinformation.

I have come to understand that many people don't really go very far with their homework... myself included.... but then again, I don't think anyone can accurately accuse me of ever trying call myself some sort of expert or authority on this subject.. I'm an experimentor, and I dare say that I've achieved results from years of very hard levels of hands on innovative, and practically creative experimentation. Well in any case, I've left this stuff alone for the better part of two years.... I know potent and mindblowing things are waiting for me and my microphone whenever I decide to to pick it up. I've explained my position over and over again, so it's still about the same, although no doubt missed.

Back to Dr. Rorke. After reading just some of what he has collected, it impresses upon me how dedicated he must be to go to such great lengths to obtain so much in the way of ' exhibits " of evidence on this matter.. I just finished the initial completion of the site... I have yet to read through it myself.... I purposely held off, so I could rest a little, then treat myself as a general visitor to the site for reading through the entire material... I figure a few more days will get me there !

       Peace .............. Brian J.

Dr. Rorke will clarify all of this given the opportunities. Thanks for the interest.

Last edited on Oct 24th, 2008 06:29 AM by