View single post by joecioppi
 Posted: Oct 10th, 2008 03:10 PM
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Joined: Sep 22nd, 2008
Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania USA
Posts: 130


" In regards the actual formation of voice messages via snippets, I heard a podcast which featured Rick Moran, who was saying his analysis of modified snippets indicated that the message was sandwiched in the middle of the broadcast snippet with a short period of silence at either side of the message. This would imply the message and the snippet are 2 different entities. Dont know if Rick's observation on this is accurate or not. Can you validate this Joe? "

Hi Sparks,

 An un-muted scan allows inner station noise through ( that is random in nature) that contains message material. Franks box has been described as injecting noise or mixing noise, but it only plays radio static received between stations and the strong stations suppress the static noise born info. The louder message is selected from broadcast vocals by random tuning voltage derived from filtered transistor junction noise. Two sources are at work simultaneously. I believe the intelligence is in the random nature of either source(static and random tuning of broadcast  stations).

I believe the SpeakJet chip input is an A/D that generates random code commands to trigger the internal synthesis of words. The sense of those messages comes from the random nature of EMF noise fed into the A/D.
