View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Oct 5th, 2008 12:37 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Hi Tim...
Jacky could be a spirit guide of yours. This would hold weight as a thought, if the dream was so clear as to have plenty of sparkling bright imagery within it. Lucid dreams are quite distinct from normal dreams...they are clearer, better remembered and nearly always seem to hold a message. Sometimes, it's only after many months that the reason for that dream comes forward into daily life.
In my opinion, she may have been called back by another spirit, someone who thought her coming forward was too quick. She may have been delighted that you were experimenting with what is a safe way of communication and so brought herself forward. The other spirit might well have been a little more seasoned in these things and called her back, so Jacky could wait for you to learn a little more.

Walking across a field is highly distinctive of such dreams, especially where the crop itself can be seen. The type of field is important...for example, healthy wheat or other crop denotes happy times and future successes, barren brown dirt means a search or a loss and the need to find a direction in life.

While you enjoy EVP, try asking for Jacky to leave you a couple of words. When I met who may be my spirit guide, Meri, I was as confused about it all as anyone else. I didn't believe in such things and yet thought i'd get the recorder going and see if I could prove to myself that noone was there lol. Was just this nagging type feeling that I shouldn't just dismiss such things. Started the tape recorder and asked who was in the room and if they could leave a couple of words for me. On the tape later, I heard a Class A, very clear EVP of 'You know me'. Wish I could track that one down, but anyway, it might be worth giving such a thing a go :)
Best of luck.