View single post by nerol
 Posted: Sep 22nd, 2008 03:15 PM
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Joined: Sep 16th, 2008
Location: Oregon USA
Posts: 22
ahh thanks Keith

ya my whole suspicion as i mentioned in other posts (a little), is that we have many dimensions unseen overlapping on our own plane, because they exist at higher frequencies which our 5 senses cannot detect. (but slowed cameras etc can)

when a creature "dies", i really suspect it is given some choices, but the passing through the light, is just a thing where their vibration gets transformed up, and they get the next body .. still on this earth probably, but with many different atomically faster objects to interact with.

that's one reason i think astral projectors get confused sometimes .. because they're half here, and half they're, so they see things not quite right

but ya, i suspect these things are all around us too, and you know, i think in the bible Solomon was punished for seeking a medium to communicate with the dead ... i always wondered "why" the bible forbid sorcery all the way back to Ballam ... maybe because "God or aliens" do not want us knowing what comes next ... but with technology it appeas we are starting to bridge the gap ... hopefully the aliens don't knock us back to the stone age.

i suspect maybe that happened to atlantis, babylon etc ... the spaniards destroyed all the Mayan tech they could .. maybe because the catholic church already knew all that?

ok i'll shut up for a bit  :)