View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: Feb 25th, 2007 06:20 PM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
Hi Laura;


 I don't have a fixed look for the receiver/boxes yet. I'm trying to come up with a production circuit board, then I'll make a cabinet o fit it.  As I hopefully stated, the system is based on a randomly tuned radio, the radio provides a source of random audio which spirit/entities use to make thier voices.  I want to have FM available as another mode, and I just ordered the AM/FM chips last week. So I'll have to change the board layout to accommodate the changes. All this stuff takes time.

 As far a bieng smart, I don't consider myself somekind of brainiac, it's more like I'm just a tool of the other side, and my own thinking, and experimenting tends to slow things down.  I am still uncertain how much of the system originated in my own mind, and how much was at least an inspiration from "out there".


 There's more informatin on and don't forget it will be presented on C2C on March 1st.


Old Frank