View single post by Regan
 Posted: Aug 14th, 2008 02:29 PM
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Joined: Aug 14th, 2008
Location: Auburn, Washington USA
Posts: 21
Hello. I am a co founder of a para team in Washington. We've done a lot of work with RTC (paranormal puck, ovilus, radio shack hack, minibox, and our own created device: speakjet box). We work with Rob from, he's buit and designed our box.

I joined primarily because of the quote "cooperation first, evidence second."

To me, its important to share and communicate with other teams. Cross occurance occasions needs to be shared and discussed so we can further determine legitimacy behind personal experiences and claims of hauntings.

I am intrigued by the ITC/RTC devices, but carry some reservation towards a few of the items. I feel that A LOT of research, studying, developing, analyzing, and redeveloping needs to happen with these devices. And I feel that some definate guidelines should be created, so those really working with the devices have a baseline understanding of what they're doing, how it's working, and how we can further research.