View single post by synchronoussatori
 Posted: Jun 19th, 2008 06:05 PM
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hey thanks for the tips - much appreciated.

I really didnt define my idea for the book I'm writing very well - it's more of a composit of many ideas and notions such as R. A. Wilson's Cosmic Trigger. But along with all the synchronous phenomena I'ev come across and how they intertwine, i'll add commentary on my own experiences with teh paranormal and opinions on where they come from, as well as the visions and satori I've had.

I completely agree with you on the issue of intent. I think the same can be said for ouija boards with kids without real intent using them who are really out for pursuit and novelty and that whole game. I guess the same can be said for shows like Most Haunted which are like revived novel-spiritualism and more performance than anything...only 'joe public' doesnt realise this so it indirectly discredits transcommunication and makes the issues to do with death and the afterlife taboo once more.

I gather that you personally have gained most successes with just a tape recorder.

How do you convert the sound files to your computer to analyse?

Also, do you use any source of white noise?

Spiricom when I first heard the communiques collected from it really spooked me - more so than normal evp, even when the evp said something evil. Because this was a fully flowing (to an extent) conversation with a member from teh afterlife. I have to admit, at first i didnt believe this was a spirit on thos spiricom recordings. But I've heard various other spiritcom/spiricom recordings by those who have since also built the device and it works! (although most the time not as well as when it was originally done).
