View single post by synchronoussatori
 Posted: Jun 18th, 2008 06:25 AM
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Hi I'm writing a book on paranormal, the occult, conspiracy theories the subliminal etc but more imporatantly that of synchronicity.

I had a vision (amongst many with or without the aid of psychoactive substances) in which I was shown a blackboard with various algebraic information on a blackboard I couldnt make any sense of, a misty spirt figure then showed me there was a reality layered over our own (I saw this in terms of a different world map - different proportioned continents -  then layered over our own world map.

I've been interested in evp for a decade now and I've never really known the proper equipment i should use or the methodologies of successfully capturing an evp. I've tried with a dictophone and a mp3 player set to record, but I didnt pick up any successful evps. I've always been frustrated i didnt know the correct equipment and methods i should use to capture evps as good as the greats - raymond cass, konstantin raudive, the spiricom etc

can anyone advise me?
