View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Jun 8th, 2008 06:58 PM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
Hey there MrZeta...
I've no idea if Dave is the same guy, the microphone on the video looked suspicious , along with the VU meter :)
*EDIT* Hi Dave ! LOL

From posts here and from other gathered knowledge, it seems that death moves us upward to a frequency and from there to higher frequencies again. Seems to be in stages and based upon learned existence laws that are somewhat instructed to us. Not being religious in any strict manner, such a thing is perhaps easier to comprehend for myself than for other folks. But, ultimately and as my learning point is, we achieve a resonance with the whole of creation.
EVP's seem to come forward most often from 'trapped' individuals, those who haven't properly crossed over to the learning stages and therefore exhibit more human traits than properly crossed individuals. Nearly all ghosts fall into 2 categories, residual and active. Residual being mere energy playbacks of usually traumatic events, active being people with big reasonings to stay where the haunting takes place. After all, you don't get a ghost of someone appearing in different locations, hauntings by someone happen in the same place...often gaining a notoriety as the ghost of wherever it is.
The few others may be attributed to demonic presences, or other never human entities..the bullies of the spirit world. Those who have no experience of life and so see us with a jealousy.
Whom we seem to contact are also of two types. The people on the first plane, ones who made it across and through the light etc. The others, the ones who need help to actually make it through the light and onward.
That first stage, the first plane of the afterlife have a lot of human traits. Time is still important, frequencies are (at least to them) the same as in life, second by second can impart information to them and to us. The strongest link of which is the deceased family member scenario, with the person imparting a goodbye.

All of that implies that communications have no real barrier or code to break. They shout and we don't hear, simple as that and that distance gets larger over our perceived time periods.
Where both sides can work together, is to find out what the change is of frequencies between life and death. We lose a voicebox, but what do we gain ? Fundamentally, what do both sides still share ? After all, communications would still seem possible by a myriad of experimental methods.

To reference Jeff from an earlier post in the topic, the bias, as given to recording heads, might be considered the carrier system from our own minds too.
We ourselves mentally communicate based on a resonance. If we don't like someone we give out negative vibes, probably most noticeable to those who know us. Things can be subtle, but they're definitely there. Often cited are 'sparks flying' between two people, where a romance may develop. It's, in my opinion, the same frequency manipulations that spirits use as their carrier frequencies.
Some people are totally sceptical, their frequencies in no way match those of attuned sensitives. Also, sensitives often cannot rationalise in the Occams Razor manner of sceptics.
So, upshot of all that is that I believe the channelling of a spirit to be at least partially the domain of the receiving person, the experimenter.
I fully believe an awesome technology for repeatable contact will arrive, but can't be marketed like the Milton Bradley toy version of the Ouija board !

To better develop the robot voice phenomenon, we may need to construct a multi frequency splitting heterodyne stage. Normally, frequencies may be divided by for example 4, giving a 1/4 of the frequency the entity spoke at (a Bat Detector circuit can be used as reference). The trick, may be to seperately divide the signal by 4, so that quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be recombined, to give the full signal, but at a frequency we can hear.
How to make sense of that is the next fundamental problem. At a 1/4, we lose 3/4 but hear it as a robot. Recombining would shift the resultant signal back up to the full sound.
If we take the first 1/4 sound result and store it in an EEPROM (or PC), then go back over the signal 3 times, re-heterodyning the missing 1/4's sections and storing them at their EEPROM addresses, do we get a 4x lower shifted full sound or 4x slower?
If the sound itself was played back at a rate 4x quicker than the stored speed, do we then have the original signal at the right speed our ears can hear ?
Such experiments can be done with real world sounds. We can hear 16kHz and we can hear 4kHz, a 1/4 of the original.
If we can then ramp that up once it works, to a system that real-time samples the information and samples/plays out at 1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or whatever we choose, it might be an exciting route forward :)

Last edited on Jun 8th, 2008 06:59 PM by Slider2732