View single post by EVPDave
 Posted: Jun 8th, 2008 06:30 PM
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Joined: Mar 7th, 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 206
MrZeta wrote: Hello,

Slider you mentioned EVPDave - is the same evpdave on youtube (!):

I put this video up as a curio - this fella works with detuned radios I think...I sent him an email on youtube.

What do you all think he is doing in the above video ?

Yes, they are one in the same person, namely me, EVPDave.  The link you posted is a demonstration of the optical microphone I have developed. This particular video was also a tribute to the late Dee Robb from Milwaukee.

This 'microphone' works very well for EVP work. I hope to use it in a group session someday. The flame you see in the video is actually the microphone element so to speak. The flame is physically vibrated by any sound nearby (or air currents) and the vibrations of light are picked up by the two solar cell panels mounted near the flame.

It is a simple device but takes some time to set-up properly. So the sound you hear in the video is produced by a vibrating flame, the small speaker is modulating/vibrating the flame. The meter shown in the video is a standard tri-field meter, I did not notice any meter fluctuations during the video.

I hope this helps explain the process,


Last edited on Jun 9th, 2008 03:53 AM by EVPDave