View single post by DavidR
 Posted: May 18th, 2008 07:54 AM
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Joined: Nov 19th, 2007
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
Posts: 61
Hi every one, it's been some time since I was here last and I have some exciting news to tell. 

Recently, Joan, Rita, Gordon and myself have, what we believe to be is a contact through the spiricom device with deceased personality’s.  On the last experiment (10.5.2008) my full name (David Rogers) was heard as well as Rita’s and Gordon’s name being called out.  This could be a good indication that we are indeed in contact with spirit entities and not some stray radio, CB or TV signal, considering the fact that our names were mentioned which seems very unlikely to be a terrestrial source as they would not know of us or our names. 
Also Gordon asked a question to which he received an appropriate answer in a spasmodic connection because the frequency levels were very temperamental causing the contact to sound fragmented allowing us to understand only certain words.  I think this is perfectly understandable considering the very nature of the spiricom contact from past experiments where achieving any form of communication seems to be tempered with poor frequency quality.
We will continue with further experiments and will of course keep you informed.
At some point I will try to upload an example of the recent spiricom voices.
Bye for now.
David UK