View single post by Old-Frank
 Posted: May 7th, 2008 12:16 PM
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Joined: Feb 23rd, 2007
Posts: 174
 I'm not going anywhere near the other group. It's wierd, some seem to get a few EVP voices, and all the sudden it's like they are above even God.  I don't understand, and I'm not going to try to compete. I'm not making boxes for anyone for that reason.  Everyone that's claimed to be my best friend, that I sent a box, bit me in the ***Foul_language_is_not_allowed_on_this_website!!!.


 I use a wire antenna, and Rf amplifier stage in most boxes. The ones using the 12-469 have a built in ferrite rod antenna, and I leave that intact, but there is a point on the main board where you can add a wire to get better reception. Sounds like the Ramsey antenna might work very well for the '469. The 469 produces excellent audio, as well as having both AM and FM.

