View single post by Keith Clark
 Posted: Apr 19th, 2008 11:01 AM
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Keith Clark

Joined: Dec 31st, 2006
Location: Clearwater, Florida USA
Posts: 1637


   There is a considerable number of people currently interested and actively experimenting with a method of evp collection most commonly referred to as "sweep tuning."

    It involves manual or automatic adjustment of the radio tuning receiver at a fast rate. The intention is to tune fast enough to not record false positives (fragments of recognizable speech from the radio broadcasts - not spirit communication), and to tune at a rate in which spirit communicators are able to use the sound fragments to form evp sounds.

   Some people say that they are able to hear evp sentences which span over a tuning of many radio stations at a fast rate of speed. They also say that the audio recorded is often a direct response to the questions they ask or refer to the material which they are discussing or asking about.


   During the course of evp experimentation over the years, there have been literally thousands of different experiments by many researchers in attempts to improve their evp communication. EVP is sound, and sound (for the most part) is governed by natural law. Spirit communication makes an impression on that sound wave, in some cases seemingly creating the sound wave itself - without an apparent "background source" to assist in the formation. The number of ways in which new ideas can be thought of and applied by experimenters to potentially improve evp is as limitless as the mind itself.

   There are many factors which determine whether an evp can be understood or not, such as the environmental sounds in the background, the location of the recording, and even the level of vibration and ability of both the spirit communicator and the experimenter. Overall, we try to work with what we have - and find ways to improve what we receive.

   There are two possible extremes when working with audio. The first extreme is the natural tendency to try too hard to hear, allowing the mind to have an effect and using extreme editing techniques to compensate for the difficulty. The second extreme is to shy away from almost all experimentation if it is not approved by others, to stifle your gut feeling and experimental ideas because they may not be developed enough for public acceptance as evidential proof. A good experimenter always shoots for somewhere in the middle, feeling their way as their intuition and personal experience guides them.

   EVP has been around (acknowledged) since at least the 1950's, and people have been experimenting ever since. According to Ernst Senkowski,  an experimenter named Wolfgang Dreiss manually tuned his radio receiver and was successful in recording paranormal voices as early as 1977.  (AAEVP NewsJournal, (Another Radio Sweep Note), Spring 2008)

   There have been many other variations since at least 1977, and the methods of using a radio (or audio frequencies) in experiments which "swept" or "tuned" these frequencies has been known by several different names. Several of these are "frequency sweep", "radio sweep", and "sweep tuning."

   As far as I can tell, the latest term of "sweep tuning" became more popular and began to stick in late 2006/early 2007. One of the experimenters who was working in this area is Frank (Sumption), sometimes known by his internet handle of "Old Frank." He is fast becoming well known for his electronic creations and variations of automatic sweep tuning devices.

Frank is a member of this forum, and he can introduce himself far better than I can.


    Sweep tuning is considered controversial. It is considered controversial by people for several reasons:

1.  If a person allows the sweep rate to extend long enough to allow word fragments to be heard, "false positives" can easily be obtained. For those working to prove life after death through consistent evidence, this is considered harmful. This could be a high risk factor because the majority of the people working with it are tuning manually, and don't have the benefit of electronic automatic tuning.

2.  Some people appear to be selling these modified radios, sometimes charging what some believe to be large & unfair amounts of money.

3. I have heard claims that some people have said that only certain people would be able to use these boxes, which in turn caused quite a bit of controversy in itself. 



   Here is the position of ITC Bridge

A. Creativity - Creativity is one of the driving forces of invention and progress. There will always be people that disagree about ideas - and some of them will be controversial. Time will tell what the outcome will be, and the side effects of progress are not always good. What is important to ITC Bridge is that the spirit of creation and purpose is revered, that everyone is given fair chance to express themselves and use their natural gifts to communicate with spirit.

B. Claims of ExclusivityEquipment -  Everyone in the ITC community knows that there is no such thing as either a claim of exclusivity - an indication that only "special" people can communicate with spirit, or a claim that special equipment can guarantee their success.  Any claims like this will be firmly opposed by the ITC community, for it goes against everything we stand for.  
   Let me explain. Yes, it is possible for a person to use their creativity to create devices that may help make spirit communication possible. A device may be created that is able to circumvent natural law, or at least work around some of the laws that may appear to govern physics. But the device is only a device without a person. A device will always only be a part of the whole equation, with the spirit team and the experimenter comprising another large portion of it.
   Yes, some people may be more gifted in one area than another, and some may think they are not gifted at all. We don't always see what a person is gifted in, only the expression of their gift. Spirit tells us that there is no monopoly on communication with the other side.

C. Profit - If someone performs work, they are entitled to profit what they earned as fair entitlement. Gouging, especially coupled with special claims - is seen as gross by everyone, not just those in the ITC community. Anyone that gouges or tries to take advantage of someone else - especially in the topic of death, dying, and life after death - well, I don't even need to continue....

ITC Bridge does not allow the solicitation of goods on the forum.

Final Note

From all of my correspondence and interaction with Frank, I hold him in high regard. He is using his gift to try new things, working with other people and experimeters. His work is supported here at ITC Bridge.

I have been in the situation where the only people who felt my work was validated was myself and my spirit team. If I had not listened to my inner voice, this forum or website wouldn't even exist. That's all we need to do - is to listen to our inner voice.

Please be respectful of others, and mindful of our creed to harmony amongst researchers. This is your forum to create and press forward - with the ability to break all boundaries as we know them, if we work together.


Keith Clark


Additional resource:

June 2007 Taps Paramagazine Article