View single post by hayes043
 Posted: Apr 9th, 2008 07:23 AM
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Joined: Apr 9th, 2008
Posts: 3
Hello Everyone,

I am new to the ITC Bridge, and conducting EVP's but my experiences thus far require me to reach out for some help. Over 3 months ago, I started doing EVP's after the death of my father. On the first attempt, I received a chorus of spirits telling me "to get out," "you are in danger," and "do not do EVP." Having heavily researched the EVP Boards both on this site, and on AAEVP, I gleaned that responding with fear was the worst reaction you could have. So I continued and recorded over 100 sessions, with every session having the same characteristics:

1) I am continually warned to stop recording. Specifically, I am told that a spirit named "Penny" is a devil, means me harm, and is dangerous. In every recording you can hear spirits bickering with each other and from a novice perspective it seems that there is a "war" going on between good versus bad spirits.

2) Many of my recordings contain really foul language often directed at me. Initially, the spirit that was identified as "Penny" invited me to keep talking, but when I tried to ignore her the tirade of insults directed at me increased.

3) Thinking that I could "tune-into" a better set of spirits I purchased a mini-box about 2 months ago. Again, the same spirits warned me to get out, I was not welcome, and to stop doing EVP at once. Not one to be frightened easily, I asked why I could not continue. I was told that "Penny" and certain other spirits hate me because I pray. Others state that she is evil and there is "danger,"

During the last two weeks, I have simply turned my recorder on (without any verbal interaction from me) and received messages from "Penny" which are quite threatening. I can't believe that all I have to do is turn my tape recorder on and bingo... Penny and the foul mouths drop in.

Could any of you help me understand what is going on here. Some have suggested that "like attracts like in EVP"? Is there something in one's personality that may be contributing to this? I can assure you that I am not unbalanced. Does this mean that I am doing something wrong? I medidate prior to each session, stay always positive, but still get the themes outlined above. Should I take this "Penny" seriously and stop doing the EVP's all together? This would really bum me out--- I am a University Professor in clinical psychology and looked forward to doing research in this area. Anyway, I am totally confused and never thought that starting to do EVP would result in the above.

Is it possible that certain spirits are having a big laugh at my expense? All my recordings have been validated by others so I know that this is not a matter of me misinterpreting the recordings. In fact, I use all the equipment and techniques recommended by others. Your feedback and help would be appreciated.