View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 21st, 2008 09:33 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
hehe good morning Estee !

The way this feedback stuff goes, the realtor may well have thought there WAS a program being recorded !

Thanks for the blow up and analysis. I hadn't really thought about faces, preferring anything like that to jump out and say hi. But, certainly agree on the forming of 'scenes' as I call them. Some years back, around 2003, I had a setup in England that used a camcorder as the feedback camera. Over quite a few frames the images would evolve and often a scene of a lush green field with gravestones could be seen on frame playback. It was all very clear, to the point, almost, of seeing the writing on the grave markers.
Images had a strong focus in the middle and a haziness on the outsides of the screen.
This system is no way near as good yet and hampered by the rip down at house viewers calling...but i'd like to get it all paired down and somewhat similar to the old method.
Our method a couple of years ago that was on the live cams used a camcorder again, but in that ones case there was a VCR attached. The VCR liked eating tapes, which put an end to things. Mind you, can't be too healthy for any recorder, shuffling bits of tape around.
Am just glad to get this all going again :)