View single post by Slider2732
 Posted: Mar 17th, 2008 11:21 AM
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Joined: Mar 3rd, 2008
Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma USA
Posts: 349
TT...I hope we HAVE caused some issues, but in a positive light :wink:
It's certainly made me think about the research in a new way. From almost passive curiosity to analysis then build ideas.

"If Spiricom turned out to be false, it still led the world towards becoming open to the possibility of direct communication with those in spirit. And that will prove to be just as important."
Yeah, that's how I see it Keith. I note the use of smoke in some of your research and that's been attacked often enough by armchair debunkers. Actually trying things proves a lot to the self and, in your case, some great results were obtained. Manipulations of naturally occurring environmental effects is on the same lines, with tones and waves and other areas of Spiricom. I believe we're shaping the very things that sceptics love to ridicule, while they totally miss the point about natural contact.
Such contact, i'm getting to believing, has happened since man was capable of thought and overly objectionable types merely hamper themselves with closed mindedness.

We might shape and tune for repeatable results, but all the while, it seems to be a case of removing the chance elements of spirit interaction.